Trance Mind

Trance Mind - The mind style, that been founded on uplift trance music style. Main conception is "Keep calm and do whatever have to do" and "Do not give break your heart whenever life troubles coming, since all these things are being passing".

“Trance Mind” has been found by the domain owner in autumn 2011 during heavy personal life troubles. He has been on a verge... He has been drunk each evening many many months along, trying to kill feelings that hurted him. And once upon a time unexpectedly he has got heard nice, and undiscovered for him on that time, electronic dance music of Netherlands DJs that has changed everything in the mind and that's was amazing...

He has named the feeling - "trance mind" and took new nickname "Trancemind".

From that time, when he is facing on life troubles and soul is losing calmness, he is putting AirPods in ears, trying to heal himself with music.

Try yourself, when you feels like your life is ended... It will help.